Community Environmental Literacy Program (CELP)

Environmental Literacy Program enables communities to better understand the biodiversity around them and comprehend the complexities of human-environment relationships. It is essential in nurturing empathy towards nature and being mindful of the impact of our collective actions. Environmental education can help individuals across all age groups take decisive action on environmental challenges in their vicinity.

We are determined to impart environmental literacy and simplify understanding complex human-environmental issues among North American communities. Through this endeavor, we aim to build stewards among our communities to initiate and lead strong environmental protection efforts. Environmental literacy programs will engage community members through online sessions, webinars, workshops, and activities. This is to empower them to contribute to environmental development activities taking place around them.

Sustainable Development Advocacy Program (SDAP)

In September 2015, world leaders met at the United Nations in New York to adopt a new global plan known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As described by the UN, “The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to climate change and environmental degradation. The 17 Goals are interconnected, and to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by 2030.”

VNC aims to bring the SDGs closer to communities and amplify the existing awareness about SDGs among our societies. We provide a wide range of programs and activities focused on implementing the selected United Nations’ 17 goals at the individual and community level. One of the main goals of VNC is to provide training and resources to communities to contribute to attaining SDGs at their level. We strongly believe that a bottom-up approach in imparting SDGs knowledge will help communities understand the three pillars of sustainability: ecology, economy, and society. Through this initiative, we are creating SDG ambassadors among the communities, who will pilot actions and deliver change.

To know more about SDGs and why it matters, visit


Outdoor Educational Experiential Program (OEEP)

As the world gets more closer towards virtual technology, we aim to bring communities, especially the younger generation, closer to nature through outdoor outreach programs. These programs mainly include hiking, trekking, bird-watching and cycling. One of the key reasons to introduce these programs is to create awareness about the persistent danger our nature is facing in the recent times. This encourages young, enthusiastic, and creative minds to develop sensitivity towards nature and foster evocative compassion towards it.

VNC aims to create beautiful and enriching experiences for all who participate in this program. The wide range of programs allows individuals and groups with different interests to explore and identify the wonders of the environment around us. The Nature Sensitization program acts as a medium for individuals to inspire others and encourage conservation within their own social sphere.